Building an opticians in Burkino Faso bringing affordable glasses to hundreds of people 

Sep 2019


Charity Partner
Our September 1% will help build an opticians to bring affordable glasses to the people of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkino Faso. Of the local 550,000 population an estimated 35% will need glasses. With no affordable options readily available, many of these people will go without impacting their ability to gain an education or work to earn a living.  The shop we have funded will see an estimated 2,400 people for a free eye test in the first year alone and sell specs to around 460 of them enabling them to see clearly for a price they can afford for the first time. The store will access free green energy from solar panels and sales revenue will pay staff wages and replenish equipment making the enterprise completely self sustainable once set-up. We'll update you over on the blog when it's opened for business!

Over 700 million people worldwide need a pair of glasses but can't afford them. These people - many of whom live on a dollar a day or less - don't have the money to spare. The estimated loss of income caused by this fact is valued at about $200 billion per year. Adults cannot work to provide the basic needs of their families and students are unable to learn at school due to their weak eyesight. The solution? OneDollarGlasses. The materials needed to make a pair cost less than $1 and the glasses themselves consist of a lightweight, flexible spring steel frame with prefab lenses which and can be manufactured anywhere using a simple bending machine. To bring affordable glasses to communities OneDollarGlasses depend on donations. New bending machines have to be bought, components for glasses must be pre-financed and on-site training organised to develop a sustainable social enterprise.

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