Supporting maternal and child health across 5,000 households in rural Malawi
May 2015United Purpose
Charity Partner
The project supports work giving children in Malawi the chance to grow up. The "Survive Five" project is helping reduce the number of children under-5 in Ntcheu district, Malawi dying from preventable diseases like malaria and diarrhea. The project mobilises communities and develops their knowledge through education, training and campaigns on nutrition, Mother and Child Health, family planning, and HIV and AIDS. These will help to reduce under-5 mortality and improve maternal and child nutrition among the targeted 5,000 vulnerable households with pregnant and lactating mothers in TA Kwataine in Ntcheu District by 2016.
The targeted area of Traditional Authority (TA) Kwataine in Ntcheu district, Malawi, has a population of 41,107 and a higher than average under-5 mortality rate and malnutrition rate. Whilst the District Health Office has been implementing childhood disease and maternal-health activities in the area, resource constraints mean that they been unable to reach the more remote areas that this project targets.
Concern Universal believes that lasting change will be brought about by improved knowledge, attitude and practice at individual and community level, through increased knowledge on the impacts of childhood illness, and capacity to take action. This can best be achieved by working through decentralised structures of the District Health Office (DHO), mainly health facility staff (Nurse/Midwives, and Clinicians) and field health workers (Health Surveillance Assists- HSAs) in TA Kwataine.
As part of this large project the funding from this month will build a clinic shelter for under 5's to be used for growth monitoring, vaccinations and antenatal care. This will support the 5,000 targeted households.