A better life expectancy & a good night’s sleep for 5,000 people

May 2024

Against Malaria

Charity Partner

We're proud to announce that our May grant is going to Against Malaria, our long-term partner. Every year malaria claims the lives of around 625,000 people, with a staggering 70% being children under 5. It's a devastating reality, but there's hope.

Nets are the frontline defence against malaria, and Against Malaria has been tirelessly working for 20 years to ensure these life-saving tools reach those who need them most. Since 2012, we've been honoured to work hand in hand with this incredible organisation. Together, we've made a tangible impact, positively affecting over 78,000 lives. And this month, with your support, our grant will provide over 2,500 more nets.

Your donation is buying safety from annoying mosquitos, a better life expectancy and a good night’s sleep for around 5,000 people. Thank you for being a part of this vital mission.

The Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) is GiveWellGiving What We Can and The Life You Can Save’s top-ranked charity and has been for twelve  years. AMF is frequently described as the global Effective Altruism movement’s #1 charity given the top-billing it achieves year after year judged on impact and effectiveness. AMF’s running costs (which are small as a result of the extraordinary efficiency with which AMF operates, and which are ~1% of revenues each year) are funded independently meaning 100% of public donations buys nets. Nets are distributed though carefully selected partner organisations with high levels of data-driven accountability and transparency accompanying each net distribution. Be One Percent’s donations to AMF, and the specific net distributions they fund, are shown here. Donations welcome!

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