Bringing the benefit of solar lights to over 3,000 people
Mar 2014
Quality solar lights increase people’s income by an average of 20% per month, increase study time, improve health, cut carbon emissions and provide a platform to develop and prosper.
The impact of solar light ownership on students and schools is significant. The lucky ones in their first year of school will get a solar light to see them through the whole of their education. Research shows each light is also shared with brothers and sisters – many of whom, especially girls, would be unable to study because of the restriction kerosene and candles puts on the household budget. Furthermore, the lights are used by parents to extend their cooking, socialising and earning day. The prosperity and freedom of solar light ownership is witnessed by neighbours, driving demand. So each light has a huge impact beyond its direct recipient.
Sadly our fundraising this month fell short of our target. However our funding will help bring solar lights to 20 new schools, firstly holding meetings with head teachers in the Serenje District supporting all the distribution of solar lights. This work will bring solar lights to children for their school and homes. This will give access to this safe and cost effective lighting bringing light that will benefit a minimum of 3,000 people in Zambia.