Safeguarding lives for 1,000 mothers and their kids in remote Nepal
Mar 2024PHASE Worldwide
Charity Partner
Your March donation is making its way to Rugin and Bichhaya in Far West Nepal, offering improved maternal healthcare and fighting against malnutrition with Phase Worldwide.
The district of Bajura, where these communities are located, is largely without a road network. 62.5% of the population live in poverty with no access to primary healthcare. A stark 2022 survey found that over 52% of mothers had to risk giving birth alone, and 70% of under-fives were suffering from at least one indicator of malnutrition.
Your generosity has set a powerful force in motion for this remote community. Our grant will fund an Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) for a full year, delivering primary, maternal, and child health services and safeguarding precious lives in the process.
Phase Worldwide has fine-tuned how to share essential health information, so as well as hands-on care, the ANM will empower the local community with knowledge that will remain in the area long after the project ends. They’ll run antenatal groups, put on street dramas, and even host healthy baby competitions to leave a lasting legacy in Bajura.
PHASE Worldwide believes that everyone, everywhere, even those in the most remote places in the world, should have access to primary healthcare, basic education, and livelihoods opportunities. Every year, PHASE Worldwide’s support changes the lives of rural Himalayan communities in remote areas of Nepal. In these areas, poor health, low levels of education and few livelihood opportunities trap people in a cycle of poverty. This cycle prevents people from taking control of their lives.
Through their local partner PHASE Nepal, they support integrated and sustainable health, education, and livelihood projects. They enable people to access knowledge, skills, services, whilst at the same time, strengthening local government provision. They aim to make a lasting difference, but not to stay.
PHASE Worldwide have committed to ringfencing 100% of the Be One Percent grant towards their third and final year of the Start Strong Project in the Far West of Nepal, which is improving access to maternal healthcare and reducing malnutrition in children through integrated maternal healthcare, nutrition, and livelihoods activities in Rugin and Bichhaya, Bajura.