Bought materials to build 9 large greenhouses for foster homes in Kenya.
Jun 2012
Our chosen charity this month is The Mango Tree, which respects the traditional extended role of local families to look after orphaned children in East Africa. The impact of parental deaths from AIDS, alongside persistent poverty for some groups in this area has placed a particular strain on this role. Families find themselves unable to send their children to school and all members become prone to malnutrition and preventable diseases. Under this burden, rural children drift into urban area and live on the streets, adding to their vulnerability.
Our contribution to the work of The Mango Tree will help to reverse some of these pressures on the families they work with. The focus is on self-sustainability, especially by increasing access to clean water and raising the production of local agriculture, livestock and fishing production. These efforts are targeted on those families most at risk of ill health. The economic model is to facilitate the establishment of micro-business (250 in this region is the target by 2014). The charity works with other charities locally to advocate for land inheritance rights as part of this aim of self-sustainability.
Building greenhouses with the charity will provide a positive practical and environmental impact for these foster children and their families. The Mango Tree operates with very low UK running costs of around 1%.
Our contribution of to the work of this charity this month will build greenhouses for nine foster homes set up by The Mango Tree which together provide care for 85 children.